It’s no secret that there are many perks to working from home. Rolling out of bed into ‘the office’ for 9am, having an unlimited supply of tea and toast, and not having to dress to impress daily – it’s not a bad place to be. However, many of the benefits have a more detrimental flipside, and with so many of us unable to leave the house right now, it’s important to think of the ways we can keep at our healthiest even when working from home.

This post is in partnership with Essential Living, a range of modern apartments situated in four locations around London. Featuring shared communal spaces, pet friendly apartments and on-site fitness studios, they’re perfect for the modern-day family, whether you work from home or want a relaxing space to come back to after work.

So, what should we be doing to keep our bodies (and minds) happy while working from home?

Get up and move

Some research suggests that sitting down all day may be unhealthier than smoking, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Thankfully, even when you’re working all day, there are a few things you can do to reduce this risk, without making a huge change to your day. It is recommended that adults take at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, but alongside this exercise, you should be be moving throughout the day too. Try spreading your movement throughout the day - go for a walk (even just around the house) for 5-10 minutes every hour or two, then try to fit in some more extensive exercises for 30 minutes a day. This will reduce your risk of disease significantly, and clear your mind for work! Studies have shown that increased movement can lead to improved motor function, attention and cognitive speed, so get walking!

Form a routine

It’s easy to fall out of routine when working from home, but having some structure to your day may boost productivity, health and happiness. Try to stick to normal working hours and schedule in regular mealtimes. This will help you maintain a good work-life balance, which is vital for mental and physical health.

Plan a workout

Not only should we been moving throughout the day, sitting for no more than 3 hours at a time, but we should be also fitting in some more intense exercise 3 to 5 times a week. At home this can be difficult, but thanks to the internet, there are so many simple and easy to follow exercise classes available at the click of a button. Working out in the morning can set you up for a day of work, improving blood flow to the brain, or alternatively a lunch or afternoon workout can break up the day, allowing your mind to refresh, ready to go back to work. Here are some great people to follow for home workouts. Most Essential Living locations have in-house gyms, so there’ll always be time to workout, not matter how short.

Limit unhealthy snacks

It can be tempting, when working from home all day, to graze on whatever you have in the cupboards throughout the day. However, this snack-attack can be a health-killer. Rather than deprive yourself entirely, if you’re keen on snacking, set yourself morning and/or afternoon breaks, to take a walk and grab a snack. This will encourage you to leave your desk for a little bit, and limit the amount of damage that can be done from constant snacking. It’s not about deprivation, it’s about planning when to treat yourself.

Eat away from your desk

A terrible habit that so many home-workers get into is eating at the desk. The desk should be used solely for work, to avoid combining leisure and work activities. Eating lunch at the desk also means you’ll spend longer seated, which as discussed is bad for your health. If you continue working while eating, you’re also less likely to enjoy your meal and more likely to overeat, which means you may end up feeling dissatisfied and eating more later on. Essential Living apartments are spacious, allowing you to separate out working, chilling and eating spaces around the flat.

Get some light

Our bodies are designed to get some of the nutrients we need from spending time in the sun, and while we are adaptable, sunlight can be a massive mood-booster, and it’s good for your health, too. Vitamin D keeps your bones and teeth healthy, lowers blood pressure and improves brain function. Taking a short walk outside each day can combine your need for exercise with the benefits of natural light. In lieu of this, allowing lots of natural light into the home can have its own benefits, helping people be more productive and happier. Essential living apartments all make the most of the natural light, not only saving energy but also boosting your mood too.

Getting used to working from home can take some time, but it doesn’t have to be a health killer. Theoretically, with less time spent commuting and more time available to plan meals, exercise and socialise, working from home can be better for body and mind. Following these top tips will help you make the most of working from home and keep on top of your health.

Don’t forget to check out the Essential Living apartments to learn more about their modern apartments and clean living spaces. In the meantime, happy working!

Flora Beverley


Flora Beverley is a fitness model, blogger and social media consultant based in London. She is passionate about healthy living, and when not in the outdoors Flora creates food and fitness content for her social media channels/platforms and writes for various publications.